Saturday, April 13, 2013

ToO ComPLicAted.....


It's a hard to me to accept of losing someone who really important in your life n in your work life...seriously its really make my day very complicated....

everyday when we came to office, muka dia lah yg ko nmpk dulu....tmpt dia lah yg ko pandang dulu...even xtegur, bila ko nmpk dia...mcm2 perasaan ada diri ko...fuhh..lega dia ada...ermmm....sat lg ada la tu keja nk bg...that's actually the feeling that we usually feel everytime we see our boss everyday....but suddenly dia xde...baru terasa...kalau jd apa2 nk refer sapa...kalau xtau jwb nk bgtau apa plak....

And now the worklife start to be complicated when u have to be independent and learn everything by ur own...dah xde sapa nk backup kita lg....dah xde sapa nk tegur kt lg...kalau ada yg tegur pun mayb xsama dgn bos kt....

i do far ak sll dpt supervisor aka bos yg baik...accept masa memula keja dulu la...

masa previous company, even masa memula jumpa tgk akak ni mcm garang bila lama2 kenal...she's a very good supervisor yg sgt2 tak lokek dgn ilmu...apa2 masalah...we try to solve it together...that's my kakak, kak Azah....until now we still contact n sll gossip mcm2...hehehe....dia byk paham ak...mayb sbb kami ada persamaaa in certain thing...n i'm always make her as my reference dlm byk hal...she's left the HQ sbb family dia kat Johor,so kebetulan the company just open a new branch kat johor, dia minta transfer kat sana...

and in present company, she's the one yg interview ak...even masa blom masuk keja lagi...dh nmpk yg dia sgt2 friendly n try the best for the staff...dia org lama kat company tu...dh keja 11thn...start dr anak pertama smpai la anak ke-4...dh sekolah pun anak ke empat dia....kami rapat..but still in certain thing abt job, we are professional...xleh campur aduk kan hal keja n hal peribadi...

well now dia pun dh xde kat company...i have to learn by my own....try to learn as fast as i can...try to adapt that now u are the seniors...even br setahun keja....

sometime,i juz can't believe that i have to face the same thing again...the different is...masa company lama...ak dh expert dgn keja2 ak...dh master dlm keja2 ak...sume bnda pun ujung jari je and on the same time i still have another colleagues in the same we can backup each other...

but now...yg ada sume org2 baru...baru x baru...dh setahun keja la sama mcm ak...but still byk bnda yg ak xtau, pas ni kena letak pelapik telinga tebal2 sbb akan sll kena marah, kena letak span byk2 kat kepala supaya cepat absorb...

i do feel to leave the company jugak...but ak terpikir until when ak nk lari dr masalah...why i am not juz face the problem and take the challenge...this is the time to me to learn as much as i can and challenge myself to be a leader....mmg apa yg kt dlm dunia ni yg xsusah...juz try to not make it complicated, try to solve the problem one by one and always be positive....

mmg org akan ckp, it easy to say but hard to do it...but as Islam...we must always believe....Allah tak akan uji seseorg tu tanpa kemampuan hamba Nya..sbb Allah tau kena mampu lalui ujian tu sbb tu Allah bg...lg pun Allah kan selalu ada....Dia lebih paham diri kita dari diri kita sendiri...

And thanks to Allah sbb bg kawan2 yg ada masa ak susah...Atie, Mun n kak Azah...ak byk ngadu dgn diaorg dlm hal2 keja...even xbyk yg boleh relieve perasaan risau ni, tp sekurang2 nya lega la sikit kan....

Ok that's all for now!!!

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